by: Nathan K., 5th grader at Westwood Elementary School
My grandparents are nice and supportive. My grandparents are special to me. My grandparents are Christians and good people. We also like to go on hikes a lot like three top, grandfather mountain, and Mount Jefferson. Mimi was a pilot but now he is retired. Both of my great grandparents died during covid. My papaw works at the church and is a nice person. My grandparents are special to me.
My grandparents like to cook with me. My Mimi cooks cookies a lot and she always lets me lick the bowl and eat the cookie dough. My papaw will cook chicken noodle soup for me when I am sick and I help him cook it with him. We will also cook cakes for birthdays. We also like to cook a really good breakfast when I spend the night with them.
My grandparents give me a lot of good advice as well. My papaw gives me a lot of good advice when I am not doing well in homework or a sport. For example, I wasn’t pitching well in baseball and my papaw gave me some advice and helped out a lot. My Mimi gives me advice about tricks in math to help me out with work. Both of them will give me advice. In sports they will help my sister and me in sports as well.
They are supportive and help me out as well. They come to my games every time I have one or at least try to make it there. They also support my sister in her games as well. They will sometimes help me get better if I am struggling with something like baseball. They also help me out and if I am doing bad in a game they will come to tell me you got this Nathan and they will get me ready to go out there and try again. They also give me good encouragement.
These are the reasons why my grandparents are special. I like the way my grandparents listen to me and encourage me. We also have a family tradition where we open presents at my house, then go over to our grandparent’s house and eat lunch with them. My Papaw will also play ping pong with me sometimes. My grandparents are like Christmas every single day. So after you are done reading this, go and hug your grandparents. Call them and say you love them. My final thought on grandparents is that they are good people and are always there for you.