The 15th Annual Back to School Supply Drive is going on now through August 7th! The most needed items include: Hand sanitizer – 80% alcohol solution, masks for students and teachers, disinfecting supplies, Clorox wipes, paper towels, notebooks, binders, loose-leaf paper, crayons, glue, pens and pencils. We are asking for monetary donations at this time to purchase these items so we can disinfect the boxes before delivery to our six Ashe County Public Schools. Any monies left over will be distributed to the schools’ guidance counselors to purchase any other necessary supplies for the students. They too will purchase and disinfect items in bulk to stop the spread of the COVID-19 virus.
If you would like to participate by making a donation, please make your check payable to Ashe Services for Aging and write “School Supply Drive” in the memo section. It can be mailed to Ashe Services for Aging, Attn: Terri Hopkins at 180 ChattyRob Lane, West Jefferson, NC 28694. If you have any questions, please call Terri Hopkins, Ashe County Volunteer Coordinator at 336-246-4347.
This project is sponsored by the Ashe County Volunteer Initiative Program and the Ashe County Board of Education.